Getting back into it—that title has duel meaning.
While I really love running, it has taken a backseat to other priorities for the last 18 months, if not longer. I went back to school to learn a new career in a fairly new field for me. While I have worked in a medical setting for a few years now, I was not exposed to the same level of technical knowledge that I would be required to learn to become a physical therapist assistant (PTA). I knew becoming a full time student would mean my running, along with many other things in life, would become a lesser priority. I was fine with this. Running wasn't going to disappear for me but it would slow down, both literally and figuratively. It was simply what needed to be done in order to "re-invent" myself professionally.
I have just reached the end of my re-invention, having completed internships, graduated, and now having passed my state board exam in order to obtain my license. So with less studying and reviewing, I am set to get back into running the way I'd truly like to. The entire time I was in school (three years total), I still maintained a base with running. That was essentially my running goal—maintain a base so that I don't have to COMPLETELY start over after my schooling.
So with more time and energy to devote to running, I've now been getting back into serious running mode. I miss the feelings I get when I'm having a good run and the sense of accomplishment from climbing a hill. Most of all I miss the way I feel so in touch with nature when I'm out trail running. I want to find all of those again for they have largely been missing for over a year now.
The other item I'm getting back into is starting this blog again. Honestly, unlike my running, I don't where this will go. My goal is share ideas and thoughts and info about running so that others can learn and grow as runners too. But how often and what topics are still up in the air. My only real thought is to try and complete about one post every month. Ideally I'd post more often but I feel that's probably unrealistic, at least right now. I see the blog evolving and ever-changing, that's about all I can say right now.
Since I'm undecided on direction, that presents you—the reader, with an opportunity to help shape this blog. If there's a topic, question, thought or idea that you have, please feel free to comment and provide input! Perhaps it will spark a future blog post.
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